My conference talks and podcast appearances



Episode 17

Code and the Coding Coders who Code it

Joe joins the show to talk about his various projects, why it's so important to build in public, and how doing less is helping him to do it all.

Espisode 2


Joe Masilotti shares his journey getting into coding, going independent, consulting in iOS and Rails, building in public, and starting RailsDevs.

Turbo Native Workshop

The Ruby on Rails podcast, December 202

Brittany and Joe discuss why he is conducting the workshop(s), whether he is happy with the current state of Turbo Native (with a cool OSS reveal) and of course, an update on how RailsDevs is progressing.

Solo founder grows reverse job board to $100k a year

Indie Bites, September 2022

Joe Masilotti is an all round top bloke. He's now just a top bloke who's making that juicy bootstrapped cash helping Rails developers get jobs. All while sneakily avoiding being labelled a recruiter. Smart man.

Positivity and RailsDevs

The Ruby on Rails podcast, April 2022

Building RailsDevs in public, challenges I have faced, and the technical decisions I am proud of. Also, a bit about my upcoming workshop.

Building iOS apps using Hotwire / Turbo.js

Remote Ruby, April 2021

We find out what Joe does and things he has built as an iOS and Rails developer. Also, insight on building an App and submitting to the App Store process and using a Ruby gem called fastlane.

Lead Developer at BeerMenus

SwiftCoders podcast, August 2016

Joe is the lead developer at BeerMenus and he's super passionate about clean, well-tested code. Enjoy!