Docusaurus Build Issue Related to Client Side Code

Today I got an error build notification from Vercel for my Docusaurus site.

Failed docusaurus build

The log said somehting about locale:

[ERROR] Unable to build website for locale id.

I think it was realted to Docusaurus config. But, strangely it already working for a few days for old builds, why is it failed now?

i18n: {
  defaultLocale: 'id',
  locales: ['id'],

So, Docusaurus can’t detect my locale? Tried to rewrite it with the longer format id-ID, but it still failed. Then I said, perhaps using en locale wouldn’t be a problem, let’s work with locale id when it really needed.

You know what, the build still failed on locale en. Whaaat’s happened? Something is not right with the site.

HyvorTalk is The Culprit

After a day of debugging, I found out other error message above the code I pasted above.

[ERROR] Docusaurus server-side rendering could not render static page with path /somepath/document-path
[INFO] It looks like you are using code that should run on the client-side only.
To get around it, try using `<BrowserOnly>` ( or `ExecutionEnvironment` (
It might also require to wrap your client code in `useEffect` hook and/or import a third-party library dynamically (if any).

The message gives me some clues. Before the builds I added a commenting feature using HyvorTalk. To add the comment form to my Docusaurus site, I use the react plugin (since Docusaurus is based on React). I swizzled DocItem/Paginator to add HyvorTalk related components to every page. It seems that the CommentCount and Embed was supposed to run only in client side not on the server.

export default function PaginatorWrapper(props) {
  return (
      <Paginator {...props} />

      <CommentCount websiteId={8715} />

So, based on the error message, I wrapped HyvorTalk components inside BrowserOnly.

export default function PaginatorWrapper(props) {
  return (
      <Paginator {...props} />

        <CommentCount websiteId={8715} />

I commit, push and got a green checkmark.

Docusaurus build issue fixed

Issue fixed!

But actually not!

Docusaurus crashed on production

It’s compiled but the app crashed. To fix this I need to wrap HyvorTalk components inside a function because <BrowserOnly> children must be written inside a render function.

  {() => <div>
    <CommentCount websiteId={8715} />
